First off, I'd like to apologize for not responding last week. That was my own irresponsibility and won't happen again.
Its now...Week 5.
Lately, the lay off from reddit has allowed me to be able to focus a little better, but again its tipping the scale into other things such as facebook and youtube. I go on them far more than before, and it has become something of internal distraction to get away from the tedium of life even though I only subscribe it as just tedium. The realization that one must make up for the time lost and must do what one can with the time that is given constantly reverberates in my mind, but rarely does anything come about in a meaningful way.
This is my second to last quarter of my last year in college, and the beginning of this rift of both remembrance and recognition of the end comes in, and I'm questioning many things as I slowly walk towards my edge of the cliff. I'm questioning whether I can still talk to the people I care about, people I have grown with, hung out with, had beers with, seen movies with, gossiped, and chilled with. With facebook gone, one loses a huge portion of communication, one is losing pretty much a huge portion of random communication. It's still getting to me, but lately...I have been a little happier.
I don't know why, but I'm guessing I'm might be talking to new people, talking to old people, and just being around people who are nice to me and whom I like to be nice to. The conversation never stopped being hilarious, the attitude never drooped, and there was never a time in which I was bored because I couldn't go off of something I had learned earlier on. This was one of the worries I had when stopping reddit...that I would get less interesting and be less interesting to talk to...but that isn't the case. My best friend in the whole world said that reddit made him more interesting and that he got to reserach using reddit, but personally I find that not true in my case. In so much that, it wasn't reddit that made me intersting, but me that made reddit interesting. In many weirdly enlightening ways, it was me pouring interest into something that made it more interesting, not the other way around. Maybe its our choices that determine what makes life worthwhile in that case, and this fantastical view of a destiny in which our views/goals/choices/happiness fall under. In many ways I'm still confused, and I'm still on a path wondering where I will find happiness, but maybe it might be the better question as to what I'm willing to focus on. That whatever I focus on will make me happy.
I don't know the answers to many questions, but I hope to know more and more as I go through life limiting myself. This is the halfway point to end the 10 week promise.
I promise you, I have kept my word so far...and I will do so till the end. Have a good week...this one will be tougher than the rest.
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