Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Lego Movie

That moment where you feel like, can laugh at every joke, can be giddy about every reference, can be truly happy for the whole hour and a half of pure brilliance.  That is the Lego movie.

This is a movie I have been excited to see when it first started showing trailers last year.  I was bragging how excited I was to see it to everyone I knew and some of them told me it was a bad idea because it was a February release.  No, I denied everything, and I was still stuck on thinking it was being awesome...and it delivered, with so much more underlying beauty and depth that I didn't know was allowable.

At first the hilarity comes from off-beat hilarity from prolonged takes, subtle changes in sounds, small changes to famous lines, and clear contrasts, but what sets this apart from other movies is the idea of creating creativity.  After everything is set and done, and everyone enjoys the cameos, the intrinsic hilarity of the main character, Emmett, being a complete dolt in parts, it raises this amazing idea that everyone has the possibility of doing great things.  Likely you'll get this due to the idea of the "growth the hero" plot you'll see in the trailer, but the movie breaks beyond that and hits the heart of every person in the audience in a way that not many children movies do.

For instance, Toy story deals with many of the same ideas of creativity and age, but at the same time, Lego is almost timeless because of the idea of the block.  The block is what the maker makes of it at the time in which it is given.  While Toy Story focuses on how Andy ages and how the toy's are slowly moving to extinction, Lego understands that fun knows no age and that creativity happens to everyone.  I love this movie so much, and could not smile or laugh any more than I could during this experience.  I am happy being with the people who make me happy seeing a movie that made me extremely glad to be awesome.  Everything is awesome, and everything is cool when you're part of a team.

Thank you


OH MY GOD THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY is out, 1. I can't wait...2. they're playing "hooked on a feeling" a song I have been addicted to for weeks prior and glad they used...3.  i need to read the comic...HAVE A GREAT ONE

One million playing Pokemon

There have been very few instances in which I have cried purely to do joy or laughter.  One instance that faintly rings a bell and most recently has been watching Barney destroy Guile on saltybet.  In one moment, I saw Barney losing ferociously to a overbearing, "sonic boom" giving Guile, but then the screen goes black, the "I love you" song pops up with Barney's face in the foreground, the screen goes black again, and the next thing you see is Guile...dead with no health on the ground.  Why that is funny?  Because once a person has spent over 12 hours in a computer lab doing the most tedious data crunching and writing, anything seems funny to death.

This time was Twitch Plays Pokemon, where everyone signed up to twitch can write down an action on the chat box, and then that action will be displayed an enacted by the main character in the game Pokemon Red.  So if I signed up and typed in "down", sometime in the future, the character will see I wrote down and then move down.  Now, imagine that, but with everyone around the world typing in responses like that.  Now imagine that constantly going, 24 hours a day.  Right now, the game has been going on for about 5-6 days, and they have received 4 or 5 of the 8 badges.  They are right now in Saffron city doing something insane.  However, the concept of watching hundreds of people with no communication with each other shouting out orders to a single character was just too funny.  Watching the chaos of a million players playing a single player game like stock market junkees on Wall street yelling out orders.   The idea was hilarious and seeing the commands streaming down endlessly in a near chaotic pattern, but simultaneously organized enough to not only bypass the initial part of the game, but succeeding in winning 5 badges throughout the game was mind blowing.  It brings along this idea that radiolab once brought up, which was that the group might be more intelligent than the single being.  That might not be true in this case as it might take a single person one day to complete a game that is taking a million nearly 6 days to do, but the fact that any progresss has been achieved is amazing.

To this minute, I am still laughing at the consistencies, moments, and actions that occur in this game.  It still surprises me, and still puts me on edge.  Thank you.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dumb Starbucks

Dumb Starbucks.  A knockoff of a knockoff knocking off knock offs, this store decided to parody a company in order to get profits.  This is an idea I like and dislike because its a kind of double edged sword.  In one case, I'm would like to support Dumb Starbucks because I think Starbucks serves coffee with the same care and affection as a mother bear towards a salmon.  If it's not apparent with my analogy, I extremely dislike Starbucks because they make the most mediocre coffee out of the other coffee places I normally go to.  If Dumb Starbucks makes better coffee then I salute them.  However, Dumb Starbucks is riding on the coattails of Starbucks.  Like a sled being pulled my dogs, Dumb Starbucks has limited itself to being only less than successful than Starbucks for what it is doing.

I find the whole naming thing annoying, pesky, and low.  I only hope their coffee is better than their name.

Week 5...It's been awhile

First off, I'd like to apologize for not responding last week.  That was my own irresponsibility and won't happen again.

Its now...Week 5.

Lately, the lay off from reddit has allowed me to be able to focus a little better, but again its tipping the scale into other things such as facebook and youtube.  I go on them far more than before, and it has become something of internal distraction to get away from the tedium of life even though I only subscribe it as just tedium.  The realization that one must make up for the time lost and must do what one can with the time that is given constantly reverberates in my mind, but rarely does anything come about in a meaningful way.

This is my second to last quarter of my last year in college, and the beginning of this rift of both remembrance and recognition of the end comes in, and I'm questioning many things as I slowly walk towards my edge of the cliff.  I'm questioning whether I can still talk to the people I care about, people I have grown with, hung out with, had beers with, seen movies with, gossiped, and chilled with.  With facebook gone, one loses a huge portion of communication, one is losing pretty much a huge portion of random communication.   It's still getting to me, but lately...I have been a little happier.

I don't know why, but I'm guessing I'm might be talking to new people, talking to old people, and just being around people who are nice to me and whom I like to be nice to.  The conversation never stopped being hilarious, the attitude never drooped, and there was never a time in which I was bored because I couldn't go off of something I had learned earlier on.  This was one of the worries I had when stopping reddit...that I would get less interesting and be less interesting to talk to...but that isn't the case.  My best friend in the whole world said that reddit made him more interesting and that he got to reserach using reddit, but personally I find that not true in my case.  In so much that, it wasn't reddit that made me intersting, but me that made reddit interesting.  In many weirdly enlightening ways, it was me pouring interest into something that made it more interesting, not the other way around.  Maybe its our choices that determine what makes life worthwhile in that case, and this fantastical view of a destiny in which our views/goals/choices/happiness fall under.  In many ways I'm still confused, and I'm still on a path wondering where I will find happiness, but maybe it might be the better question as to what I'm willing to focus on.  That whatever I focus on will make me happy.

I don't know the answers to many questions, but I hope to know more and more as I go through life limiting myself.  This is the halfway point to end the 10 week promise.

I promise you, I have kept my word so far...and I will do so till the end.  Have a good week...this one will be tougher than the rest.